How To Make A Healthy Homemade Dog Food Recipe? Dos | Don'ts

How To Make A Healthy Homemade Dog Food Recipe? Dos | Don'ts

Food is one of the major concerns for most dog parents out there. If every time someone says “healthy food for dogs”, a thought of food being expensive or not nutritious enough comes to your head, then you are not alone. One of the ways to make sure your dog has a healthy dog diet is by offering it healthy homemade dog food. Let’s learn all about it in detail in this blog.

So, Is Homemade Dog Food Good For Dogs?

Well, every dog responds to healthy homemade dog food differently. You may notice that its eating habits change as your dog grows. It could be a result of food allergies or their gut’s changing requirements. Hence, switching to an all-natural diet can help you keep away those allergies. You will notice a difference when you switch to a homemade healthy dog diet.

Such dog food recipes can help you prevent ailments like allergies, arthritis, constipation and diarrhoea, diabetes, gastrointestinal problems, kidney disease, liver disease, obesity, skin rashes and sores, and yeast infections.

Homemade healthy food for dogs can be the answer to several nutritional gaps too like:

✅ Low levels of the essential amino acids

✅ Small portions of Calcium, Potassium and Magnesium

And that can make a lot of difference not only in terms of the diet of the dogs but also their energy, focus and calmness.

How Much Homemade Dog Food Is Necessary For A Healthy Dog Diet?

If you’re new to feeding your dog healthy homemade dog food, you can follow the general best practice of feeding it 2–3% of its body weight.

Talking about the frequency of homemade dog food depends on the following

  1. The recipe you follow
  2. Your dog’s weight
  3. Your dog’s age
  4. Your dog’s breed
  5. The overall health conditions of your dog

Although this varies for every dog, it’s best to check with your vet too.

What Human Foods Are Considered Healthy Food For Dogs?

Opting for healthy homemade dog food can be one of the best ways to keep your furry pal happy and healthy. Here is a list of human food that you can offer your dog:

  1. Chicken
  2. Chicken liver
  3. Fish cod (with no bones)
  4. Prawns
  5. Salmon
  6. Eggs
  7. Brown rice
  8. Whole oats
  9. Quinoa
  10. Millet
  11. Sweet potato
  12. Yam
  13. Peas
  14. Green beans
  15. Carrots
  16. Tomatoes
  17. Apples
  18. Strawberry
  19. Oranges (Without seeds)
  20. Cucumbers
  21. Peanut Butter
  22. Cantaloupes and watermelons (without seeds)
  23. Mango, peaches, pears, and pineapples (in moderation and without seeds)
  24. Leafy greens like kale, spinach and cabbage

What NOT To Feed A Dog?

While you switch to a homemade healthy dog diet, you also need to know what NOT to feed them. Here is a list of food options that can be toxic and poisonous for your furball:

  • Sugar/Xylitol
  • Chocolate (and other sugary foods or drinks)
  • Avocados
  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Milk and other dairy products
  • Meats with nitrates (like bacon)
  • Wild mushrooms
  • Chives
  • Grapes
  • Raisins
  • Tomato leaves, stems or unripe young tomatoes
  • Green potatoes
  • Potato leaves and stems
  • Raw meat

What’s The Right Way To Make Dogs Switch to A Home Cooked Meal?

Although the home-cooked meal you offer your dog will be placed in the same bowl they eat, this switch cannot happen overnight. The right way is to go gradually. For example:


Home cooked food

Old food



















 You see the change, it’s gradual. It also allows you to:

Keep an eye out for health concerns like diarrhoea, vomiting or lack of eating.

Identify if your dog faces any digestive issues so you can back off the transition.

Also, remember there’s tons of room to get creative in the kitchen depending on your pooch’s diet restrictions. You can always switch up your dog’s meal flavours to help provide them with all the nutrients they need as they enter each stage of their life.

What Do You Need To Prepare A Healthy Homemade Dog Food?

There are some kitchen appliances you’ll need to make dog food properly:

  1. Food Processor: A small food processor can help you blend the vegetables well and speed up the cooking process.
  2. Measuring Cups: A set of measuring cups makes measuring food easy. It helps you ensure you have a portion control on what you offer your dog
  3. Meal Prep Containers: These stainless steel containers can be your go-to prep containers for any recipe you plan to make. They’re non-porous, durable, rust-resistant, and hygienic for your dog.

What’s The Most Preferred Oil To Make A Healthy Homemade Dog Food Recipe?

Every now and then a healthy dog diet needs a little oil to get Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9 fatty acids. So, you can try any of the below oils. Just make sure they’re not allergic to any of them:

  1. Fish oil
  2. Coconut oil
  3. Olive oil
  4. Sunflower oil
Can Any Healthy Food For Dogs Be Used As Treats?

The answer is yes. There are a ton of healthy foods for dogs that you can use as treats for your doggo. The vegetables and fruits that your dog likes can be frozen and used as treats too, especially in summer. However, if you’d like to make any treat yourself, you can try dog food recipes that contain any of these too:

  1. Peanut butter
  2. Plain yoghurt
  3. Chicken broth

Is There A Way To Store Homemade Dog Food?

It is safe to store it in a refrigerator for four to five days because healthy homemade dog food consists of food humans eat. That said, you should prefer cooking the amount of food your dog eats and fresh for them. It ensures they don’t face any gut health-related issues.

Final Words

It can be a little overwhelming navigating what to and what not to feed your dog when it comes to switching to a healthy homemade dog food recipe. But, with the right guidance from a vet and proper monitoring, it can be a lot easier. This blog covers everything about a healthy dog diet and healthy food for dogs. If you found this blog useful, bookmark it to come back to it later!

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