45 Days Cat Parenting Challenge

How To Create a Cat-Friendly Home: Essential Tips for New Cat Parents

Welcome to the beginning of an exciting journey in cat parenting! As you embark on this 45-day challenge, I'll be guiding you through everything you need to know to ensure you and your new feline friend have a wonderful experience together.

Let's start with Day 0: Making Your Home Cat-Friendly.

The Importance of a Cat-Friendly Home

Bringing a cat into your home is a joyful experience, but it also comes with responsibilities. Cats are curious and independent creatures who need a safe and comfortable environment to thrive. A well-prepared home can help reduce stress for both you and your cat, making the transition smoother and more enjoyable.

Step 1: Secure Your Window

Cats love to explore, and windows are often their favorite spots to watch the world go by. However, open home windows may be dangerous.Install safe screens on all windows to avoid accidental falls. This simple step ensures your curious kitty stays safe while satisfying their love for outdoor views.

Step 2: Remove Poisonous Plants

Cats are known for their curiosity, and they often nibble on plants. Unfortunately, some common houseplants are toxic to cats. Lilies, philodendrons, azaleas, and poinsettias are particularly harmful if ingested.Take the time to find and remove all harmful plants from your home.  Instead, opt for cat-safe plants like spider plants, Boston ferns, or cat grass

Step 3: Create Cozy Spots

Cats need their own space to relax and feel secure. Create cozy spots around your home with soft beds or blankets. Place these in quiet corners or elevated spaces where your cat can observe their surroundings without being disturbed. These spots will become your cat's safe havens, helping them feel more at home.

Step 4: Set Up Scratching Posts

Scratching is a natural cat behaviour.  It helps them keep their claws healthy and mark their territory. Without appropriate outlets, your furniture might become their target. Invest in high-quality scratching posts or pads and install them in areas where your cat spends time. Encourage your cat to use them by sprinkling a bit of catnip or using toys to draw their attention.

Step 5: Provide Hiding Places

Cats need quiet places where they can retreat and feel secure, especially when they are feeling stressed or overwhelmed. Create safe hiding places for cats with cardboard boxes, cat tunnels, or specific cat houses. These spaces will provide your cat with the comfort they need to relax and unwind.

Cat Parenting Checklist

In addition to the steps mentioned above, here is a comprehensive checklist for new cat parents:

  • Litter Box: A comfortable box placed in a private area with unscented litter.
  • Cat Litter: Choose unscented litter and keep it clean.
  • Cat Food: Age-appropriate wet and dry food. Cats are obligate carnivores, which means they thrive on protein and fat.
  • Food Bowl: Use shallow bowls to prevent whisker fatigue.
  • Water Bowl: Provide clean water constantly. A water fountain can encourage cats to drink more.
  • Litter Scoop: Keep the litter box clean and fresh.
  • Scratching Board: Essential for maintaining healthy claws and marking territory.
  • First Aid Kit: Keep a basic first aid kit handy for minor injuries.
  • Used Cartons and Cushions: Create hiding spots for your cat to retreat to when they need quiet time.
    Additional Tips
    • Bowls: Ensure the food and water bowls are shallow to prevent discomfort to the cat’s whiskers.
    • Hydration: Always have fresh, clean water handy. A water fountain can help your cat drink more.
    • Vet Consultation: Schedule a vet appointment to understand your cat's vaccination schedule, dietary needs, and hygiene requirements.
    • Poisonous Plants: Remove toxic plants like Lilies, Azaleas, Oleander, Sago Palm, Tulips, Daffodils, Chrysanthemums, Rhododendrons, and Dieffenbachia from your home.


    Making your home cat-friendly is the first step in becoming a responsible and loving cat parent. By securing windows, removing poisonous plants, creating cozy spots, setting up scratching posts, and providing hiding places, you are ensuring that your new feline friend has a safe and nurturing environment to thrive in.

    Stay tuned for more tips and guidance as we continue this 45-day cat parenting challenge together. Remember, each step you take is an investment in your cat's well-being and happiness. Welcome to the world of cat parenting, and enjoy the journey ahead!

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