EP2: How Cats adapt to our routine - Feline Body Language

EP2: How Cats adapt to our routine - Feline Body Language

Has it come to your attention that your cat often knows when meal times are or when its time for you to go to sleep? It isn’t a coincidence! Although cats are quite self-reliant, they tend to be very attentive and appreciate observing us. They observe us, copy our actions and also adjust their patterns to suit their perception of being cared about.

Lets have a look at how exactly do cats adjust to our patterns, and how oriented do cat owners have to be in order to ensure a seamless transition.

Cats as Natural Observers

Cats are not simply quiet spectators, they are active students. Just like toddlers, they are able to understand visual indicators, physical gestures, and repetition. A commonly repeated phrase goes ‘action speaks louder than words’ well in regard to our pets that is the case indeed.

Dogs are more responsive to verbal instructions, while for us felines their methodology is observing us. They observe events like an alarm clock ringing meaning its breakfast or jingle of the keys suggesting it’s time to leave the house.

For example:

Whisker twitching: This shows movements depicting curiosity as they watch you move around.

Moving ears: When a sound you make or a treat bag crinkling is heard, cats move their ears towards it.

Body Language: Calm and consistent action is acceptable behavior to them. They feel calm knowing exactly what to expect from you and your next action.

Born Mellow, Here’sWhy It’s A Choice

Cats are crepuscular, which means they are predominantly most active in the early hours ending at dusk and midnight. This behavior is inherited from their wild ancestor during which they tended to hunt during these wee hour times of low visibility. But whenever any pet feline lives with a human household, then that feline would need to alter its sleeping lifestyle to suit that of its owner.

A domesticated environment does allow some versatility in their natural instincts:

Cat Meal Timing: Cats will be ready for their well anticipated treats as long as you develop a feeding time routine.

Sleeping Routine: Many cats sleep longer than we think and will stay up late during the night but will adjust their sleep hours to what you would like at night and cuddle next to you instead for warmth.

Play Sitting: If your cat plays on a set schedule, during the night, for a short period, it will hopefully be more relaxed during its waking hours.

Secure Building Trust

Life for cats revolves around a routine. This is how they feel safe. Sudden changes or too erratic behaviors can cause them stress which can confuse them. Amending even the slightest in their activities ensures the cat is safe and loved in the home.

And now for the facts why:

Finding Meals: If you feed your cat around the same hours every day, it will cut down on all that fuss that normally surrounds food, a regular time reduces stress around it all.

Expecting Interaction: Play and cuddling is also key bonding moments for cats and their owners and cats want this to be on schedule.

Feeling Safe: Creating a pattern will reduce tension in shy or timid cats, this is why they find solace in patterns.

Alleviating Anxiety: A schedule reduces high-stress behaviors within the cat- such as hiding or over grooming.

Learning Trust: It takes trust for a cat to get comfortable which is why it always takes a while for them to adjust to a new owner.

How Our Daily Activities Influence Cats

What I have come to find one of the most interesting features about cats is their capability to imitate our daily activities. They monitor us and do their best to modify their actions accordingly.

Morning Activities: If you go to bed and wake up straight in the kitchen, your cat might follow behind you when you go hunting for food.

Evening Relaxing: Settling down on the couch in the evening might get your cat’s attention so they might come and cuddle with you.

Working Hours: When you are at work your cat takes the opportunity to nap and when you are on breaks or finish, they become active.

This is an extent in which they try to blend into your routine, so they remain incorporated into your daily activities.

Helping Your Cat Adapt

Cats end to fit themselves into our lifestyle, but it can be beneficial if we assist them with this process. To aid them, follow these tips:

Stick to a Schedule: Schedule and stick to specific times for feeding, playing, and interacting with your pet.

Create a Calm Environment: Remodel and arrange the living space of the cats in such a way that minimizes variables; such spaces can easily wreck calmness.

Engage in Play: Having a nice cuddly session can burn or adjust their energies for a duration of a few hours as well as keep the pets entertained.

Safe Spaces Are Necessary: Cats are odd in that they feel more comfortable when they have their safe locations and can rest or hide about; such spaces help them feel safe.

Talk with Actions: Rather than solely depending on the words for cues, develop a consistent set of actions that communicate your intent, like picking up the food bowl as mealtime.

What Your Cat Is Trying to Convey

This is especially the case with any/all animals; they also require an understanding on our side on how to behave. Cats do this all the time, and it is helpful to keep these cues in mind:

Whiskers: Are ways to show movement, disturbance and movement, and curiosity, such as whiskers on shoulders and fingers.

Tail: The tail can indicate various feelings, with a raised tail suggesting contentment and a wagging tail signifying annoyance.

Sounds: Simply put, cats “talk” to other cats through meows, purrs, and chirps depending on the scenario at hand.

These signals can be understood and by doing so one can prevent many problems from occurring in having to maintain a harmonious relationship with the cat.

The Strength In Adjustability

Even though cats are solitary creatures, they do so appreciate their alterable nature because they appreciate their relationship with humans. Providing a stable and loving environment for the cat is not only meeting the cat’s basic needs but it is also fostering a relationship in which both parties benefit.

Looking at it from different points of view, your cat is not only memorizing your timetable but they are attempting to overlap their life with yours. Whether it is coming up to you at night and sleeping beside you or them sitting quietly near their bowl, these events demonstrate affection and love.


Owning a cat is a meaningful journey where a shared understanding is the most important. While they become accustomed to the routines, we develop a deeper understanding of them by appreciating their quirks and behaviors. It is a harmonious relationship built on trust, consistency, and love and it deepens over time.

Therefore, when your cat is trudging behind you around the house or when it is wrapping beside you as you get ready to sleep, remember that it has willingly succumbed itself in your life and cuddle for it to give you all the love and support it requires, a little fun wouldn’t hurt either. Together as a team, you and your cat can construct a lifestyle that is as fulfilling for them as it is for you.


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